Havana--Many Cubans today attacked delays in punishing the "war criminals" of the former regime of President Fulgencio Batista and protest demonstrations have been staged up and down the island. Last Wednesday Fidel Castro organized a ma** meeting at which more than a million people asked their leader to see that "justice was done." Since then demonstrators said the provisional government has been slow in putting its promises into practice. They objected in particular to the fact that former Maj. Jesus Sosa Blanco, condemned to d**h for the k**ing of 108 people, is still living, waiting for an appeal against his sentence to be
examined. On Friday a group of Cuban mothers, led by Senora Dora Rosales de Westbrook, told a press conference that the population was astonished to see that "justice" had been suspended in Cuba. Mrs. Westbrook had a son k**ed by Batista's police. "We never had justice under the Batista regime, but now that we have thrown Batista out we still do not have justice," she told pressmen. Meanwhile it was reported that four members of Castro's armed forces were k**ed in the street in Havana. These d**hs were attributed to former Batista policemen. -END-