Paris, AFP, Radioteletype in English to Agency Offices, Jan, 25, 1959, 0320 GMT--E (Excerpts) Caracas--Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro today stepped up his attack against President Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic by urging the collection of money in Venezuela to help revolutionary groups in their fight to oust Trujillo. In his second speech of the day here, before an enthusiastic crows of 10,000 persons, most of them students, Castro linked attacks on Trujillo and against dictators in Nicaragua and Paraguay with an attack on the U.S. Congress. He charged that the United States had helped install and maintain Latin American dictators. Castro set off a demonstration of wild enthusiasm when he presented to the
leader of the student organization which had invited him to Venezuela a five-bolivar coin. "With this coin, Cuba begins her repayment of its debt to you," he told the students, "for the collections you have made for our movement, for your moral and material aid, in our battle for liberty, which we shall never forget." University officials had to make a prolonged plea for silence from the wildly cheering students before Castro was able to continue. The Cuban leader concluded with the hope that he would meet the students next year "at the university of Santo Domingo," capital of the Dominican Republic, "for I am convinced that we must have volunteers to drive out the dictator Trujillo." -END-