Evil imbecile parasite invaders rape our grey routine Anticipating the purposeful vivisection of clones on the planet of rascals Perverted form of influence leads to the creation of destroying ma** Burdened by the extensive stupidity, decadence and total degradation of society The deeds of rotten co*ks**ers bring us back to the anacephalic experiment of the year 1917 Justifying and extolling their nasty achievements in scientific and philosophical works on the socio-political being of individuals
Caustic clots of inhumanity and defectiveness hypnotize the exhausted intellectual ma**es Purposefully converting their activity into interminable psychological enslavement We are born again in the dungeon cradle arousing the seats and sources of ma** madness Wait for the moment, when the vivisectionist starts his noble mission! Nasty parasites! Our rage f**s you in your coffins!