Vital harmony and intellectual basics were destroyed and lost in the chaos of centuries Infinite greed of power and enrichment obscured the human mind Long wars ended with the shattering nuclear holocaust Which erased all the signs of life from the surface of the earth Black ruins, mountains of wreckage and ashes are the heroic heritage of infinite human stupidity Only a group of ugly mutated people survived deep underground, in the mines and caves They have forgotten what is oxygen and sunlight, lost the ability to think, wild and bloodthirsty
After many years of wandering in dungeons they have lost all the signs of humanity Under the influence of virulent radiation, they used to interbreed with animals and turned into ugly mutants Now they continue their disgusting existence and survival, devouring and furiously k**ing each other They hide under the disfigured surface of the planet No one will ever know, how long will it fight for existence last Henceforward there is no human population anymore