Legends are born at night In darkness they are forged Constant flow of soul Curious turns of fate The stories I was told When I was young And my mind was innocent Still remain Deeply rooted within my heart Storms are raging on this open sea A journey seeking to explore a world so far away The course is set for knowledge and not for gold Legend has it - unlimited wisdom awaits in a World still unknown to our civilized kind History tells us what we can hope to find Roaring in the woods is an everlasting beat Seeking its source legend tells us that we can all be free Last night of solace Last night of solace The stars come crashing down On me - the life I lived Everything was leading me to this A journey towards seeking inner peace At last I found all I'm meant to be Nature in the hand of my will Time to decide what I feel I must choose what it is I feel The eyes I'm staring into won't let go until And I scream All of my time I've been here for nothing All of my life I've been here for something
All of my time I've been looking for this life Escaping the nothing Reaching the shore of the fabled land No one ever thought we would get this far But now we're here and All the impressions are too much for my mind I need to seek out the grail for which that we came Heading out in haste A legend lives inside - it always will Formed by the world in which it lives Thunder nights following monsoon rain Endlessly falling from a starless black heaven Tropical climate is a force of its own Which we who are left tries to survive This nature is wild beyond my wildest dreams At last I have arrived - the secret is mine Last night of solace Last night of solace My kingdom will come and my heart will prevail As I take a step towards the burning sun Which is the miracle lying in this glade And I fall unto my knees in shameless awe This is under Heaven - this is above Hell - this is The heart of nature shining on my soul So blinding but yet enlightening in my mind And now I know I have to walk away and live in peace