Elders chide as if they gotta cure his sickness Or addiction to the sight of liquor bottles pouring liquids Not as pure as Christians since I'm disregarding your religion Cause in our opinion, it's a misinforming jurisdiction Not a burden but I'm certain my a**ertions are profound And my sermons leaving churchmen with their turbans on the ground Working on the sound with a drive to reach perfection Which is why you see me stretching limo-length in each direction
Me and Lexie not refraining from doing the least expected Need protection; f** abstaining from usage of lethal weapons Weed possession; shoplifting; side-stepping police detection 'Fore I start slipping & fall victim to deep depression Now, the clocks ticking like Father Time is hot headed Even God's temper ain't partly hot as my bars Centrally living in North Memphis; committing some offenses While dipping from cops, tripping, attempting to hop fences