Stormlords of Ancient... Attack! Release the first volley to air The time to wait has long since pa**ed Fire... raining down below Destruction of the insolent all who dare oppose Strike down the sleeping where they lay The dawning rays of a new sun Wish to obscure a conflict won On this she too has failed At will the bowmen find their mark Setting the pre-dawn sky ablaze Fly... children of light With no champion of cause the city falls And falls within the grasp of one that might Control the pa**age to the west A port of call and message yet To those the night claims all Ululant cries fill the night
One final act The war beasts freed to make their way Unchained and appetite Unending they set to task Care to not leave a sole But devour them all None shall remain consume them all Consume them all! "Careful child... Still thy fears" Through the smoking embers Of a fallen town under twilight's sky The provisioning proceeds leaving none To thrall leaving none at all Now come the cries of an innocent Pinned from beneath the ruin Salacious lust in extending claws You will be set free "Careless child As I return you to..." Shadow and Dust! Ululant cries fill the night Till all are none