EPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY! Mr. T VERSUS! Mr. Rogers BEGIN! Mr. T: I pity the fool who tries to step to Clubber Lang call me BA biceps cause I'll crush the whole gang! Bring Tuesday, Friday and little trolly the train and watch me dip their a** in gold and wear em like my neck chain s**a! I'll choke you with your own sweater sleeves! You couldn't even beat me, in the land of make believe. I will Mr. T bag you, in the closest cemetery. Nobody's gonna miss you, cause all your friends imaginary. Mr. Rogers: Hi there neighbor, I hope you don't mind if I change my shoes. I'll be rockin sneakers till this battles over so I don't get blood, from your ugly face, on my penny loafers. I like you just the way you are, one in a million But it looks like the barber gave your head a Brazilian. I pity your neck Mr. gold chains, you've got too many. The only gold I keep is on the shelf in my Emmys. I teach a whole world full of children, I can tell
you call yourself T cause you're too dumb to spell. Mr. T: Who you callin dumb fool? Mr. T only needs one letter. Hello, it's for you Bill Cosby wants his sweater! You're a 40 year old virgin in a dumpy a** house. I'll get Hannibal, Murdoch, and Face to stomp you out. The only p**y cat you've ever seen is on Henrietta s**a! And your Mr. McFeely delivers a lot more than letters. So before you come to battle, with your PBS crap, how bout I call up CPS about them kids on your lap fool! Mr. Rogers: Watch what you say kids love me more than lunch. I'm not that one with my face on some whack a** Captain Crunch. When my plan comes together you won't even see it coming. I'll chop you into four black dudes and I'll remake Cool Runnings. I'll say this once Laurence, I hope it's understood. Get right back in your van and get the f** out outta my neighborhood. WHO WON? WHO'S NEXT? YOU DECIDE! EEEEPIC RAP BATTLES OF HISTORY.