These things I've spoken to you
That your joy may be full
These things have I spoken unto you
That your joy may be full
There is a vast difference between happiness and joy
Happiness is a temporary pleasant state of mind
Joy is a constant state of the spirit of man that is in fellowship with GOD
Happiness is state of mind, joy is a state of the spirit
These things I've spoken to you
That your joy may be full
These things have I spoken unto you
That your joy may be full
Now basically down deep inside, man is searching for joy
And discovering for the most part happiness
Because joy cannot be experienced by direct pursuit
That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that you might have fellowship with us
And truly our fellowship is with the Father and His Son JESUS CHRIST
The by-product of that fellowship is joy within your heart, that constant joy
These things I've spoken to you
That your joy may be full
These things have I spoken unto you
That My joy might remain in you, that your joy may be full ... that constant joy
JESUS wants your joy to be full,
And thus as you read the word
It brings you into a right relationship with GOD
Which results in that fullness of joy in your heart ... that constant joy
Ask that you might receive that your joy may be full
That our joy may be full
In Your presence is fullness of joy
And though now you do not see Him yet believing
You rejoice with joy that is indescribable, and full of glory ... beginning to get the picture ?
GOD wants you as His child to be filled with joy
He wants your joy to be full
And that fullness of joy is related to the word of JESUS to us
It's related to our prayer life
It's related to our fellowship with GOD
It's related to our living in the presence of GOD
And whenever you become aware or conscience of GODS presence what is the response within your heart, there's just that leaping that fullness of joy, oh yes ... GODS presence
So LORD as we study we pray that Your SPIRIT will be working in our heart
In JESUS name