Thee I Invoke, Spirit of The Overcoming With Drugs of MASHU, My Shaman Magick Self-inflicted, be Thou The Sword behind me As I go Afar, to The Age of Dust ...Remember... ...Remember... Thee I Invoke, Spirit of The Sunset In The Name of The Most Mighty Hosts, I stand firm Necromantic Art, Dwellers of CUTHA I Desire to Speak Thee, to Travel Black Earth From The Unknown God, protect me From The Unknown Daemon, protect me From the unknown enemy, protect me As I go Afar, to A Baneful World Thee I Invoke, Mistress of The Rising Star For We Shalt Fornicate, Debauchery of Sodom
Drink of My Seed, be Thou The Eyes behind me Stand at my side, at The Gate of No Return ...Remember... ...Remember... Thee I Invoke, Thee I Shalt Serve An Ancient Pact, Borne of Sumer The Spear behind me, The Armor behind me As I go Afar, to The Age of Dust From The Unknown God, protect me From The Unknown Daemon, protect me From the unknown enemy, protect me As I go Afar, to A Baneful World And when The Spirit of The One Called Appears May The Dead Rise and smell The Incense UTUK XUL Ta Ardata Barra Uug KUTULU Ta Attalakla!!!