Well the best things in life, they ain't free They cost money. Money: that's all you need f*gs, and booze,and the lottery I don't care what it costs: it's the life for me Now life in the twenty-first century Will be all about takin'... just you see Thou takest from me and I'll take from thee And I'll spend it on f*gs, booze and the lottery 'Ere' what's worse? Goin' on demo... Or 'avin' to work every day to stop the worry Of wonderin' if... you've got enough money Meanwhile, the clerks, accountants, managers Can be sure of a job To take the worry away. And the tax on food
On f*gs, on beer pays for... Fousands of slaves... to do pointless jobs While the people in control can pilfer millions Of pounds to keep themselves in power Oy! Did I catch you skivin'? Duckin' and divin' Money makes the world go-a-'round-and-'round Like a roulette wheel or a merry-go-round Better earn some money to be sure to be free To smoke and drink away the profits on the lottery I don't care about anyone: 'part from me I don't care about anyone (he don't care) I don't care about anyfing else but me And f*gs and booze and gamblin' on the lottery