Now eenie meenie minie moe Catch that monkey by the toe If he hollers, let him go Eenie meenie minie moe Scatty-ah, pa swings it, so does ma Scatty-ah, ma swings it, so does pa Scatty-ah, you swing it, so do I Scatty-ah, I swing it, so do you When he turns that handle down Music goes around n' around Everybody starts to sing To that organ grinder's swing Tra-la, pa swings it, so does ma Tra-la, ma swings it, so does pa Tra-la, you swing it, so do I Tra-la, I swing it, so do you
Now all the children tag along Just to listen to his song Monkey dancing on a string To the organ grinder's swing Oh-hum, oh-hum Oh-hum, oh-hum I swing it, so do you Drop a nickle in his hat Like a rich aristocrat Every nickle that you fling Makes that organ grinder swing Hi-ho, hi-ho Hi-ho, hi-ho I swing it so do you Oh organ, oh organ Eenie meenie minie moe Catch that monkey by the toe This music makes me want to sing Oh you organ grinder's swing