scene 6 [CONSTABARUS, BABAS' SONS, and their guard.] CONSTABARUS Now here we step out last, the way to d**h; We must not tread this way a second time: Yet let us resolutely yield our breath, d**h is the only ladder, Heav'n to climb. BABAS' FIRST SON With willing mind I could myself resign, But yet it grieves me with a grief untold: Our d**h should be accompanied with thine, Our friendship we to thee have dearly sold. CONSTABARUS Still wilt thou wrong the sacred name of friend? Then should'st thou never style it friendship more: But base mechanic traffic that doth lend, Yet will be sure they shall the debt restore. I could with needless compliment return, 'Tis for thy ceremony I could say: 'Tis I that made the fire your house to burn, For but for me she would not you betray. Had not the damnèd woman sought mine end, You had not been the subject of her hate: You never did her hateful mind offend, Nor could your d**hs have freed her nuptial fate. Therefore, fair friends, though you were still unborn, Some other subtlety devised should be: Whereby my life, though guiltless, should be torn. Thus have I proved, 'tis you that die for me, And therefore should I weakly now lament, You have but done your duties; friends should die Alone their friends' disaster to prevent, Though not compelled by strong necessity. But now farewell, fair city, never more Shall I behold your beauty shining bright: Farewell, of Jewish men the worthy store, storehouse But no farewell to any female wight. You wavering crew: my curse to you I leave, You had but one to give you any grace: And you yourselves will Mariam's life bereave; Your commonwealth doth innocency chase. You creatures made to be the human curse, You tigers, lionesses, hungry bears, Tear-ma**acring hyenas: nay, far worse
For they for prey do shed their feignèd tears. But you will weep (you creatures cross to good), For your unquenchèd thirst of human blood: You were the angels cast from Heav'n for pride, And still do keep your angels' outward show, But none of you are inly beautified, For still your Heav'n-depriving pride doth grow. Did not the sins of man require a scourge, Your place on earth had been by this withstood: But since a flood no more the world must purge, You stayed in office of a second flood. You giddy creatures, sowers of debate, You'll love today, and for no other cause But for you yesterday did deeply hate; You are the wreck of order, breach of laws. Your best are foolish, froward, wanton, vain, Your worst adulterous, murderous, cunning, proud: And Salome attends the latter train, Or rather she their leader is allowed. I do the sottishness of men bewail, That do with following you enhance your pride: 'Twere better that the human race should fail, Than be by such a mischief multiplied. Cham's servile curse to all your s** was given, Because in Paradise you did offend: Then do we not resist the will of Heaven, When on your wills like servants we attend? You are to nothing constant but to ill, You are with nought but wickedness indued: Your loves are set on nothing but your will, And thus my censure I of you conclude. You are the least of goods, the worst of evils, Your best are worse than men: your worst than devils. BABAS' SECOND SON Come, let us to our d**h: are we not blessed? Our d**h will freedom from these creatures give: Those trouble-quiet sowers of unrest, And this I vow, that had I leave to live, I would forever lead a single life, And never venture on a devilish wife. [Exeunt.]