If you listen close... You can hear the heart speak Preacher preacher please stop preachin at us Certain teachers reach us but not by status Its a creature feature when you push that madness Monster mashin mobbin scope cross bone crackin Metronome keep my fate while im pushin through sadness L.a. traffic in my way pull up the seat belts unfastened Cause gods got my back and im not lookin for action And comfort over style im not checkin for fashion trends Home body homie gratitude for my loneliness Drama hater rather talk to myself than hear phony sh** Only if I need to be im out late Cause he and me a primate in a deity of life awaken easy free Easy does it so conflicted strapped inside these strains of time Unrefined yet I will not hit your weed or snort your lines Used to be, not today, changed no longer strange What I used to see not the same the game is no longer made Peel back all charades, feet walk all terrains No time to be afraid, fear crushing serenades Add it to your marinade parade the earth celebrate Tear down barricades pa** on and exit stage left I help another man a day to live through End of days is just a phase but demons out to get you that's the issue
All the luck in the world is sent your way throughout these songs Thats the mission simplified metronome Teacher teacher please stop yelling at me Cause I do not respond well to what your selling sadly Got an issue with authority just ask my daddy If you took off that mask you might just reach and grab me by the ear But reality is just too hard for me to pay attention For another year, im outta here The psyche of these kids who listen to me spit Not a.d.d. they just wanna be free off the grid Can't turn my back and act like I dont feel that sh** Cause that was me at 14 wandering the asphalt Gypsy black top nonstop day dreaming and pondering Art became the path that I was meant to walk The map is in the message of the heart you got to play the part Unjoin the rat rate tie up your fat lace His heartbeat will lead you home listen to the metronome If you listen close, you can hear the heart speak, through the metronome Internalize ones beat, internalize runs deep The metronome, you can hear the heart speak, if you listen close..