Monday All seven pa**enger cars jumped the tracks. The windows of the coaches broke out. Then, "gravel came flying up in our faces," said Swanson, 26."I really didn't know if I would survive," she said. "The train felt like it was on its side and dragging for a long time."Swanson, a waitress who was on her way to work at a Midtown Manhattan restaurant, put her bag in front of her face to block the rubble as the car she was riding in flipped over."I just closed my eyes and kind of hoped to God that I was going to be able to call my mom with decent news."Eventually, the car she was in came to a stop with a thud. "I couldn't see anything. It was just smoke.
Tuesday It has three times the horsepower of the average car. It's notoriously difficult to handle, even for professional drivers. And now, it's known as the car actor Paul Walker was riding in when he died.Both Walker and his driving team partner, who was behind the wheel, died after the 2005 Porsche Carrera GT they were in slammed into a pole and burst into flames. Los Angeles County authorities say speed was a factor in the crash and are investigating how fast the exotic car was going.So why is the 2005 Porsche Carrera GT so different from other street cars? Here are five reasons