11/11/13 Today I read a short Poem that speaks a lot. I read that A Bird could die, and not feel sorry for itself. I read that the thing seperating humans from wild things is that Wild things are not into self-pity. It also used a phrase Jesus used on the Sermon on the Mount that the birds of the air don't reap or sow, and God feeds them, are we not much better than them? This is a good poem. 11/12/13 Today I read a little of many things. I read that Chik-fil-A's first sign was of a rubber chicken on a billboard. Then they had the cows. I read a littler of a practical guid to literature. I read that the definition of Grace, is unmerrited favor and undeserving kindness that is bestowed. 11/13/13 Today I read about some peace talks. I read that U.S. Secretary Kerry promised Israel that America will be with Israel every step of the day. He met with Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. He also met with Palestinian president. He has been there more than 7 times.
11/14/13 Today I read about a Syrian who gave birth to a baby boy. Suposively, Israel and Syria are enemy countries, so the Syrian woman was surprised how well the Israeli doctors and nurses treated her and her baby. She had pains, so the Israeli army picked her up, and took her to the hospital. He may be the first Syrian baby born in Israel since the Syrian civil war began. She said she didn't feel like an enemy in Israel. 11/15/13 Today I read about a bill being pa**ed. In 1967, the Israelis got back Jerusalem from Arab occupation, but it was given again to the Waqaf. The police sometimes arrests Jews and Christians who pray at the temple mount, but this bill gives them equal rights as the m**ms who occupy that place. This angered many m**m Congressmen, so they started shouting. I love to read about what happens in Israel.