They say that I'm a witch And that I weave a spell. Well… I use my eyes to invite you, My lips to delight you And all the charms of the feminine wiles to excite you They say that I'm a witch, and that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a I don't know what Wellll Let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch, than never be burned at all. I use my songs to entice you with curses advise you and all of my bags of tricks to choose and rise you They say that I'm a witch, and that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a I don't know what Welllll Let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch, than never be burned at all. You want a gal who will be your pal, who would never look at another who would be good and true and take care of you? Sorry, you want another.
I use my charms to undo you my arms to unglue you and all of the hex of the weaker s** to voodoo you Yes, they say that I'm a witch and that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a? I don't know what Wellll Let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch, than never be burned at all. If you want a love who's a turtle dove who will bring you life's little joys Who is sweet and shy with a gentle eye I'll take them in with the boys I use my eyes to invite you, My lips to delight you and you never can tell when I use my teeth to bite you They say that I'm a witch, and that I weave a spell Well, I'll be a son of a? I don't know what Wellll Let me tell you brother I'd rather be burned as a witch, than never be burned at all.