Yo im f**in your b**h the only reason why is because she thinks i am rich. i f**in lit your a** up is you trippin homie you better not go pout to your momme and you better not be snitchen. and your a** better take your bu*t home and quit b**hen. I hit her and quit her once and thats why homie i have the funds and i got muscular arms and i got guns. b**hes like my muscles and my arms i know her way out and her alarms. she tries to give me bad news and so i say you snoose and you lose. f**in this b**h like the croods. i am f**in goin ham ramiin this b**h in like a thousand grams. im a g f**in your b**h again im a beast and your b**h got a disease. and mine doesnt and im roastin your a** ready to be buzzin b**h buzz off you lookin like a sloth. and you think your tough your not goth. so feel my rath of t-pain cause homie i am makin it rain on your a** like runnin more raps than trains. im in this game for life cause homie you better get right before i take flight. take flight like michael jordan and lebron james and your a** is f**in lame