Drawback! havoc has won we starve on rich tables profiting of their ruin opulent born, acceppting to murder, this is our faith, our human grace order? eternally we k** - d**hless they shrill A global act of calm, a beauty ruled society eradicates the raw A profit swallow, d**h will follow, trash now fills your soulless hollow in clustered stupidity we shall become our worst enemy The deserts of black are rising, opulence just soon will k**
Destroying the unbelievers til opulence to doom will thrill Toxic! we build our own bust waste dump and bash it to the weak but pollution will not end til' voracious souls retreat demand for more and greed for things we don't need opulence devastates and builds our own decay The deserts of black are rising, opulence just soon will k** Destroying the unbelievers, til opulence to doom will thrill