in the slant of evening sun burning through your bedroom window look for me in the pictures of nude men with their latin legs akimbo look for me see my fingers circled by the diamond rings protruding from the sleeves of laughing mafioso at the bar and my feet now teetering on the edge of platforms in the sneakers of homeboys waiting for subway cars and reflected in the sweat rolling down a workman's neck look for me look for me in the way the snowfall sifts
into nearly human drifts look for me in the bitter bray of customers demanding cheated change look for me feel me gripping in the way your clothing clings to you right after rain has caught you running coatless in the street feel me breathing in the whispering of pa**ing subways fluttering your leghair as it rushes from the grate and in the way you'll never look for me not listen and not wait you'll look for me look for me you will look for me and you