See him shining red and gold, rocket boots to make him fly To defend the innocents dedicates his life Evil ones all around, till he crush 'em to the ground An avenger made of steel, he's the Iron Man [bridge] He's invincible Man-machine for war [chorus] Under the armor you know there's a man His greatest weapon his brain Fightin' with weapons he did by himself No one can stand in his way He can be invisible, he has got repulsor rays
Honorable, strong and brave, technologic knight Without fear he always fights for the justice and the peace Armored and dangerous, he's the Iron Man [bridge] [chorus] See him shining red and gold, once again he flies around He's in search of criminals, nowhere they can hide Hearing his metallic voice, they will sweat and tremble with fear Knowing they cannot escape from the Iron Man [bridge] [chorus]