[Sample] [Mikey] Chester Copperpot! Don't you guys see? Don't you realize? He was a pro. He never made it this far. Look how far we've come. We've got a chance [Andy] Chance at what, Mikey? Getting k**ed? Look, if we keep going Someone's really gonna get hurt, maybe dead. Besides, we gotta get to the police [Mikey] Maybe Chunk already got to the police [Andy] Maybe Chunk is dead [Mikey] Don't say that. Never say that. Goonies never say "die"
[Andy] I'm not a Goonie. I wanna go home [Mikey] I forgot. But still...don't you realize? The next time we see sky It'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the bestest stuff for us. But right now they gotta do what's right for them, cause it's their time. Their time, up there. Down here it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up Troy's bucket