Stiviano Honey, I'm sorry. Donald Sterling I'm sorry too. Stiviano I wish I could change the skin. The color of my skin. Sterling That isn't the issue. You've missed this issue. Stiviano What's the issue? Sterling The issue is we don't have to broadcast everything. Stiviano I'm not broadcasting anything. I don't do anything wrong. Sterling Nobody said you did anything wrong. Stiviano I don't do anything wrong. If we ever have any issues it's because people call you and tell you things about me that are not true. Sterling Then why are you broadcasting? … And why are you taking pictures with minorities...why? Stiviano What's wrong with minorities? What's wrong with black people? Sterling Nothing. Nothing. Stiviano What's wrong with Hispanics? Sterling It's like talking to an enemy. There's nothing wrong with minorities, they're fabulous. Fabulous. Because you're an enemy to me. Stiviano Why? Sterling Because you don't understand. Stiviano I don't understand what? Sterling Nothing. Nothing. Stiviano That racism still is alive? Sterling No, but there's a culture. People feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things toward other groups. It's been that way historically, and it will always be that way. Stiviano But it's not that way in my heart and in my mind. Sterling But maybe you want to adjust to the world. Stiviano But why if the world doesn't do anything for me and they don't make me happy? Sterling You're right. I don't wanna argue with you. I don't wanna argue. Stiviano I can't be racist in my heart. Sterling And that's good. I'm living in a culture, and I have to live within the culture. So that's the way it is….You can't be flexible. You can't be flexible, you can't-- Stiviano I am flexible. I understand that that's the way you were raised, and that's your culture. And I'm respectful and-- Sterling Well why do have to disrespect them. Those are-- Stiviano Who am I disrespecting? Sterling The world before you. Stiviano Why am I disrespecting them? Sterling By walking, and you're perceived as either a Latina or a white girl. Why can't you be walking publicly with black people? Why? Is there a benefit to you? Stiviano Is it a benefit to me? Does it matter if they're white or blue or yellow? Sterling I guess that you don't know that. Maybe you're stupid. Maybe you don't know what people think of you. It does matter, yeah! It matters. Stiviano Do you know that I'm mixed? Sterling No, I don't know that. Stiviano You know that I'm mixed. Sterling You told me you were going to remove those. You said, “Yes, I understand you.” I mean, you change from day to day. Wow. So painful. Wow. Stiviano People call you and tell you that I have black people on my Instagram. And it bothers you. Sterling Yeah, it bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you're a**ociating with black people. Do you have to? Stiviano You a**ociate with black people. Sterling I'm not you, and you're not me. You're supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl. Stiviano I'm a mixed girl. And you're in love with me. And I'm black and Mexican, whether you like it or not, whether the world accepts it or not. And you're asking me to remove something that's part of me and in my bloodstream because the world thinks different of me and you're afraid of what they're going to think see because of your upbringing? You want me to have hate towards black people? Sterling I don't want you to have hate. That's what people do, they turn things around. I want you to love them, privately. In your whole life, everyday, you can be with them. Every single day of your life. Stiviano But not in public? Sterling But why publicize it on the Instagram and why bring it to my games? Stiviano Why bring the black people to the games...I… Sterling I don't think we need to discuss anymore. It's over. I don't wanna talk about it. Stiviano I'm sorry that you feel that way. Sterling I feel that way so strongly, and it may cause our relationship to just break apart. And if it does, it does. It's better to break apart now, than to break apart later.
Stiviano I'm sorry that you still have people around you that are full of racism and hate in their heart. I'm sorry that you're still racist in your heart. I'm sorry that you live in a world that's still-- Sterling How about your whole life, everyday, you could whatever you want. You can sleep with them, you can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that...and not to bring them to my games. Stiviano I don't bring anyone to the games. Sterling Ok then, there's nothing to argue about. Stiviano I know. Sterling OK, we've got a big problem here...We've got a big problem. If you didn't like someone that I was with I would stop seeing that person and… Stiviano I'm sorry, I don't have any more friends. What would you like me to do? Remove the skin color out of my skin? Sterling Is that a real issue or are you making something up? Stiviano I mean, I just don't understand what the issue is. Sterling There's nothing wrong with you or your skin color. Why are you saying these things? To upset me? Stiviano Sweetie, I'm sorry. Sterling I'm so sorry too. We made a giant mistake. Both of us. Everything you say to me is so painful. Do I want you to change the color of your skin? You really know how to hurt somebody, instead of saying, “I understand.” Stiviano I don't understand how you can have so much hate toward minorities. Sterling I don't have any hate on nothing. Stiviano How a person like you who's elevated, who's here still feels he's above the world and you can't even be seen with someone considered of a different skin color. Sterling They can be with me all day long and all night long. Stiviano I can't believe that a man who's educated, a man who's a scholar, a man-- Sterling Well, believe it, and stop talking about it! You're not making any good points. You can't believe this man...that's all I am. I'm not a good person in your eyes. If I was a good person, you wouldn't say, “I can't believe this, I can't believe that.” Which are all lies. I love the black people. Stiviano Look at all this negativity coming from-- Sterling There is no negativity. I love everybody. I'm just saying, in your lousy f**ing Instagrams, you don't have to have yourself with, walking with black people. You don't have to. If you want to, do it. Stiviano If it's white people it's OK? [Long pause] Stiviano If it was Larry Bird, would it have made a difference? Sterling You're just a...big fighter. I can see -- who would want to live with a woman like you? Who would want to live with a woman like you? All you ever wanted to do is fight. You're a born fighter. Stiviano I'm sorry that you're mad. Sterling You have the worst mouth. Stiviano Why are you so angry, honey? What's wrong? Sterling Why would you bring up Larry Bird? What does he got to do with it? You can walk all night long with your sisters. Or you family. Stiviano I saw someone I admire. I admire Magic Johnson. Sterling OK, good. Stiviano I'm sorry. Sterling OK. Stiviano He's made a lot of changes for his community, for the world, for the people, for the minorities. He's helped a lot of people. Sterling Why are you forcing this down my throat? I'm finished talking to you. Stiviano And I took a picture with someone I admire. He happens to be black, and I'm sorry. Sterling I think that fact that you admire him -- I've known him well, and he should be admired. And I'm just saying that it's too bad you can't admire him privately, and during YOUR ENTIRE fu*kING LIFE, your whole life, admire him, bring him here, feed him, f** him, I don't care. You can do anything. But don't put him on an Instagram for the world to have to see so they have to call me. And don't bring him to my games. OK? Stiviano I don't...I've never brought...I don't know him personally. Sterling Please leave me alone. Please? Please? Stiviano I'm sorry. Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better? Sterling No, you can never make me feel better.