I'll tell you a story that'll thrill you I know Of a horse I once owned a long time ago You'll gaze at his picture with wondering eyes And then at the arrow that hangs by his side He was swift as an antelope and black as a crow With a star on his forehead as white as the snow His arched neck was covered with a dark flowing mane I called him Patonio the pride of the plains The country was new and the settlers were scarce The Indians on the warpath were savage and fierce Though the scouts were sent out everyday from the fort Yet they never returned and we knew they were lost One day the captian says someone must go Across the dark borders of New Mexico A dozen young fellows straightaway answered here But the captain spied me I was standing right near Patonio was by me his nose in my hand Said the captain your horse is the best in the land You're good for the ride you're the lightest man here On the back of that mustang you have nothing to fear Proud of my pony I answered you know Patonio and I are both willing to go For speed and endurance I'll trust in my black
Then they all shook my hand and I mounted his back Turned down the dark pathway turned his head to the right The black struck a trot and he kept it all night When far back behind me I hear a shrill wail I knew that the Indians were hot on my trail I jingled the bells at the end of his rein Spoke his name softly and stroked his dark mane Patonio he answered with a nod of his head His dark body lengthened as faster we sped We were leaving the Indians the story was plain The arrows fell round us like torents of rain Patonio he stumbled and I knew he was hurt But still he raced onward and into the fort I delivered the message then turned to dismount But the pain in my foot was so bad I could not The arrow you see hanging there on the wall Had pa**ed through my foot saddle stirrup and all With good care and patients Pat and I were soon well Of his d**h many years later I will not try to tell Of all the fine horses I rode o'er the range There was none like Patonio the pride of the plains