so aggressive, i lie here waiting for a lesson lie here in essence, waiting for your presence to lessen your aggression is excessive, rather unimpressive you lie on top and i look up, my eyes scream of depression are you repressing, watching my eyes as they die do you know what it's like to cry without tears, to touch fear watch as they veer, this isn't sincere, why must you interfere you're no longer here, i want a new year, feel crystal clear
you dangle me like a souvenir, regardless the time of year throw me into gear, i fear, hang me from the chandelier you see right through me, ever so crystal clear… it's sheer look at me, a deer in headlights, i fear for all that is unclear as i can't steer and all these tears, they appear you're so fake my dear, i can see it from my belvedere, you're a veneer will you ever cohere or will you always steer clear of anything sincere?