Cast: Spider-Man as Andrew Garfield New Venom Eddie Brock's Brother as Adam Sandler Mary Jane as Emma Watson Doctor Octopus/StrangeClaw as Patrick Stewart (singing voice: Ashley Slater) F.I.S.H.L.I.P.S as Martin Short Friz-B & SpongeBob as Tom Kenny Electro/Electro-Dash as Ashleigh Ball Green Goblin/Mane-iac as Ellen Kennedy Plankton as Mr. Lawrence Sparkler as Tara Strong Starlight Blaze as David Kaufman Shrek as Mike Myers
Prince Charming as Rupert Everett Olaf as Josh Gad Foxy as Jack Black (singing voice: PSY) Plot: The film tells the story of Peter Parker, a teenager from New York City who becomes Spider-Man after being bitten by a genetically altered spider. Parker must join with Spongebob and his friends to stop the evil Doctor Octopus/StrangeClaw and his minions from turning people into CLUMPS. Rated: PG-13 Genre: Action Packed