Spider-Man: OK, the Rocket is done and SpongeBob and Starlight, how is those weapons? Shrek, Sparkler, and Olaf, how is those shelters? All: Straight up good. Starlight: OK, time for to kick some evil mayhems............... Shrek: Ogre time. SpongeBob: Hammer time to you, get it MC Hammer. Shrek: My own song! Sorry. Olaf: It's OK. SpongeBob: Shrek got an good idea, let's sing our U Can't Touch This till we at Planet Claw. Starlight: Great plan. Beat on please........... -U Can't Touch This Music On- Spider-Man: -rapping: Yo yo yo yo yo, I got these evil fellas lost and you wont be a insane and what's a next evil plan? Nothing, right! Call me MC Spidy, yall biggest fans know what's next and I run our freestyle all day till we landed at Planet Claw............. Who's up.- Shrek: -rapping: I am, OK, fi fi yi yi Shrek's in the House, I got a lot of friends will transform yall to Jail, uh, that's right, Jail, cold as Shrek cause I say what the hell are yall losers in my gosh darn swamp and too many verses, too many fans, too many powers, my girls say Shrek, you should make a mixtape! I say I should have...................................... WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.-
SpongeBob: -drum roll- Starlight: -rapping: Get your hands up and wave them like we don't care, turn the ba** up....- -Music Ends- Spakler: OK, we are here! Wow, Claw really needs to get his Planet normal. Olaf: Yeah, we still defeat him and his pricks once and for all... Starlight: OK, let's split in different teams! SpongeBob, Olaf, Shrek, Mary Jane, Spidy, yall will spy on them and dont let them saw yall! Sparkler babe, you with me. Sparkler: I love you, babe. Starlight: Yep and let's move.............. Dr. StrangeClaw: OK, Goblin and Electro, I'm trusted yall to keep an eye on these folks and dont let them shut down on yall if yall make me proud, I will let yall get more girls to date. So, I and rest of them will out the plans to take over the universes.