Spider-Man: Here we go, guys. Shrek: That's the power to let us be stronger in this spooky cave! This s**s eggs. Starlight: Well yeah, but we have to and lets move before Claw change the universe good into evil and people been bad by him. SpongeBob: Yeah, let's move. Olaf: I'm scared. sparkler: Ahh, save it! You getting too old for that and wait, I smell powers. Starlight & Mary Jane: You do. Mary Jane: If you did, you're my girl. Sparkler: Yes, it'ssssssssssssssss 10 miles long down.... Mary Jane: OOH, You're my girl and so, do you like fashion. Sparkler: Yes. Mary Jane: Me too. SpongeBob: OK, time for to get strong powers before the bear rip us off. Spider-Man: Deal, I'm gonna go get it! I have ourrrr powwwwerrrssssss... -Bear Roars- All: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN... -All of them ran out to the cave before a bear comes- Shrek: Phew, that was close and give us stronger powers... Spider-Man: WE LIKE TO.......................... CALLED US THE DYNAMITE POWERFUL HEROES...................... All: YEAH... Starlight: OK, its time for the battle cause its our last chance. Mary Jane, Sparkler, SpongeBob: Yeah... Dr. Claw: Hmm, what I told them? Well well supergooders! Nah, I got one! Its-! SpongeBob: We heard that, you and your fiends practice in Jail... Spider-Man: Yeah he's right. Doc Ock: Well, let the battle extreme.
Charming & Electro & Dash & Friez: Yeah. Spider-Man: Ok, show these bad a**es a lesson... -Everyone battles and save the good people into good again while AVGN Movie Theme Music plays- Dr. Claw: Uh oh, you cant get me, Prince.... (Evil Laughs)... Starlight: Save it, Claw! You're done, if you jump off the rooftop, you are really done... Dr. Claw: Oh yeah. Starlight: Yeah. (Whistles)... Dr. Claw: Huh, byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee................. OW! My arm. Spider-Man: Nice try, I use this spider gun to trap you. Dr. Claw: I'll see but you will never win. Spider-Man: You try to be a genius! Guess what? We will never give up. Get the Dragon. SpongeBob: Yes sir. -Dragon ates Dr. StrangeClaw and Everyone cheers for save the day- Mayor: I love to say thanks everyone and even Spider-Man he's real hero.... All: YAYYYYYYYY...... Starlight: So, thanks for everything... Spider-Man: No problem... Portals open... All: Thanks, bye... Spider-Man: OK, time for explore... Narrator: OK, then we have it, the story is amazing cause it got the best interstings and so, I want yall nice people to enjoy yourself.... Credits: AVGN Movie Theme Dr. StrangeClaw Theme LMFAO Party Rock Anthem will.i.am Funky Fresh J. Cole Crooked Smile Justin Timberlake Mirrors Dialogue: Spider-Man: Whoo, love being a good hero... END