Take these devilish tones to your heart These words, written in the anxiety of devotion Let your soul be filled by the pain and the misery s** every feeling to your soul and die inwards Forget every thought about happiness Because you will never find it And you shall never find it Annihilate every joyfull thought in eternity Now realize that this is real Realize that you won't get away Your soul shall be His forever And you shall serve Him Lay yourself down with a knife in your hand Let it caress your skin, then open your flesh Then, let Him in The horned beast Let Him occupy the completness of you Now feel, fear and terror as He enters your veins As He injects the poison, that shall stay in your veins forever
He shall control your soul forever, and there will be no way back And all of your actions shall be His and for Him f** everything and rape, a**ault and murder for Him L?gg dig ned med kniven I din hand L?t den smeka din hud och ?ppna ditt k?tt Sl?pp sedan in honom, den behornade herren L?t honom ockupera hela dig K?nn nu, r?dslan och terrorn n?r han entrar dina vener N?r han injecerar giftet Som skall stanna I dina ?dror f?r evigt Han skall kontrollera din sj?l f?r evigt, Och det finns ingen ?terv?ndo Och alla dina handlingar skall vara ?t honom och f?r honom F?rsumma allt och v?ldta, misshandla och m?rda f?r honom!