Where were you when I woke up? I was under water Your room is dark and windowless and always getting hotter I look about, confirm my doubts, oh you are nowhere near me How my heart dies with your goodbyes and yet you keep it beating So where you there my only one? Is that why I can still breathe? No black of your hair, no blue of your eyes Yet you're everywhere inside of me But I can't feel your skin in this ocean I'm in What an anchor your absence has become It has come to be your completion to me And this half of me left just comes undone Somewhere between all the miles and the sea Your voice whispers soft in my ear I don't understand and I reach for your hand
Hear you say my love I'm still right here, right here Along through the blue i see only you Though the sea creatures scare you so much How safe you will be when you're wrapped up with me How long have I ached for your touch Regenerative are my bones and my skin My nerves are dismayed by intrusion Yet if you are gone for short or for long It all dies with no sought restitution I am your belonging, It's obvious and in plain view Like your white collar bones and your beauty Everything that I am is for you So look for me when you awake Cross the miles and the sea And when my eyes open, you will be there You're everywhere and everything to me