f** the imperialists The war-mongers in white collars placing profits over people History has been written by biased hands in their favor We will be the ones who suffer the blowback of their crimes Against humanity in foreign lands and not so distant times Public servants and corporate henchmen walk together hand in hand Drunk with wealth and power in this new feudal age They lull the ma**es through work and sleep with battle hymns and conveniences Inundated by daily routines, rarely do we stop and think: "who was it who armed rogue nations?" and "why do they hate our freedoms?"
The pieces of the puzzle make a picture that we'd prefer not to see All your hopes, all of your dreams--threatened most by those you elected They care not if you suffer as they pursue world domination Lives are but a small price to pay for the luxuries we demand f** the imperialists Call them what they are--they're terrorists! Their history of brutal conquest must be seen for what it is Call me 'traitor' if you please... Enjoy your party while it lasts f** the imperialists Call them what they are--they're terrorists!