Be my guest, become a witness, this prosecution is now about to begin In conclusive a**imilation, you?ll comprehend the chaos within Raise me into? Fail to save my sanity, out of perception Clear signs of a soul disturbed by definition Revelations of utopia? I?ve crossed all lines of rationality I raise distress in search of true stability The need, the urge to soon escape from the delusion Awake, alive ? still meant to choke in fantasies The will, the thrill, safe in hiding? now or never! There?s something in between? now or never! I?ll vent the anger when the time is right? Darkest deeds in order to attain deliverance A narrow path unclosing realms of self-rejection Sacrificial deceit? I came, I saw but conquered nothing at all, Nothing at all! As conformity neglects affliction, a twisted sanity is all that remains
[ Lead : Bache ] Now! I?ll vent my anger! Now! The time is right! [ Lead : Mueller] Darkest deeds in order to attain deliverance A narrow path unclosing realms of self-rejection Sacrificial deceit? I came, I saw but conquered nothing at all There?s something in between? Now or never! I?ll vent the anger when the time is right? NOW! I?ll vent my anger! Now! The time is right! Be my guest, become a witness, this prosecution?s now about to begin In conclusive a**imilation, you?ll comprehend the chaos within NOW! I?ll vent my anger! NOW! The time is right! As conformity neglects affliction, a twisted sanity is all that remains There?s something in between? Now or never! I?ll vent my anger when the time is right!