10-21-13 I read Tom Clear and Present Danger. The story is about a coast gaurd by the name of Panache. He gaurds the coasts and he saves lost fisherman and ones that have a sunken ship.Right now is is apparently is his fifth year as a coast gaurd. Kobe has been to more championships than lebron. Lebron is taller than kobe. Lebron has more mvps. Kobe started before lebron Blacks like drums whites like electric guitar and latino piano 10-22-13 Read Lies the teacher told me by James W. Loewen. It talks about how we should still admire good people although they do bad things. Like george washington being the first president although he owned slaves. Daniel Webster got druck but is still a reliable lawyer.Its just saying love people for who they are and what they do.
The first one was the best . The third one it was just a fail. 10-24-13 I read Lifting Shadows Rich Wilson. The story begins at a concert in a Dream eater theater. The band is back stage getting ready for the concert to begin. They run up to the stage and start singing one of their hit PULL ME UNDER.