actor Marcus t paulk has been charged with domestic violence. he was charged after allegedly putting his girlfriend in the hospital for kicking her in the stomach, also he could face up to 4 years in prison. his girlfriend said the got into a verbal disagreement and then it turned into a physical altercation. his girlfriend said he punched her in the face and then kicked her in the stomach.
Houston Texans head coach Gary kubiak remains in a Houston hospital after pa**ing out on the field. at halftime on Sunday night. they say people are monitored by doctors and are on high alert. he was carried off the field on a stretcher team officials say he didn't have a heart attack.
Amish TV star Esther schmucker was allegedly beat to a pulp by her boyfriend last week in Pennsylvania. she said she suffered broken nose, broken teeth, and cheekbones. also she had a facial fracture. they say she was attacked early Halloween morning. the man was described as a 6'4 male and weighted 210 pounds.
keith cozart also know as famous rapper chief keef has been sent back to prison. keef tweeted out that " Judge Putting me Back in jail See y'all later." the judge has sent chief keef back so jail for 90 days. police officer said he caught keef going 110 mph in a 55 speed limit.
Eminem's childhood home and also his album cover was burned down yesterday his home was a 2 story 767 square foot home. officers say the fire happen approximately 6:20 pm on Thursday afternoon. officers also say it is unclear on how the fire started.