Every night I sit on the shore of frozen lake
Under the ice dwells loneliness with rotting stone
Appearances unheard in this archaic mortuary
Shadows sustain all this charnel frost
Crying to the depths; invading to a silence of centuries
Tears falling black mixing with faces fatiqued
Multiplied is the essence of ice, multiplied is the emotion concealed
Serenaids frozen, mourning in darkest gulfs
Pseudo-water erosion reveals mausoleum facades
Odor of all cold; scent of frozen souls
Lake now grown to a sea, weather getting colder
Snow falling from dark sky of constellations older
Ice covered, tears frozen to black statues
Night wind whispers, I inhale distorted spectres
As I leave the shore the moon lights my miasmal path
Amorphous from the antique ice under
To the innermost depths of elemental psyche I watched
Esoteric shadows dance beneath the ice accursed
Souls of winter
In shadows they whisper