This is the ancient time when the torches light up the corridors of the palace When us disciples of the lord of shadows practice sacrifice We drink the blood and bless ourselves knelled in front of the victim Laid on the mortuary table covered In black stained of red Intense vampires, don't stop Drinking the hot blood that runs fast The black witch of pleasure looks At us with beauty and lust The blood runs by the side of her Mouth, her eyes burn like hell She surrenders herself and her long Black hair slips between my fingers b**h vampires, one by one she bewitches with her power she inflames in us the fire of hell Fell her... The swords reflect the shine of black Candles lighted around the pentagram Don't break the circle, don't break the spell Satan is present - night of the scarlet d**h
When the midnight comes I'll be convoked to TOLL THE BLACK RITE BELL TOLL THE BLACK RITE BELL TOLL THE BLACK RITE BELL TOLL THE BLACK RITE BELL We summon seven legions of Hell to proceed the ritual The sacrificed victim must rise Become one more of the Satan's Living dead and live in between our medium We close the circle and the high priest Turns it impenetrable Once more we recite the secret Words of pact and invocation The ominous mist of beauty's Resurrection spreads on... It becomes intense involving The ritual and the mortuary table The wound heals, and the girl Slowly opens her eyes Pretty smile ... mixed of innocence And wrath, in the supreme mystery...