Manifold are false and perverted dogmas
Monstrous Parasites and Vermin they are
Enemies without Pity, destructive to free will
Adherent to thee by vice of heredity
Eidolons of Ash conceal the secret of Self
To find salvation they allure the meek
With the reward of heaven and eternity
And those who adore not will be damned forever
If ever there is a loss to mourn, it is the loss of Self
Envy is ignorance; and imitation is suicide
The tragedy is within the immolated mind
Ignorant slaves to destructive temptations
Eidolons of Ash destroy man’s virtues
Trenchantly accusing and embittering men
Herd instinct is the end of the Individual
Destroy the Traitors Of Will to Power
Destroy the Traitors Of Power to Will
Do thou with all thy Might
Strive against these Forces
For they resist that which is Life
And thus they are…
They are of d**h
Earth, a kingdom of black to the blind
Drenched with blood, slavery and damnation
Who are of us shall know and destroy...