I'm standing here and sunny rays... burning my eyes 'Round me trembling gra** and little mice... diggin' their holes I can go anywhere Dreaming dreams instead Make a rest at waterfall I may fall asleep Elves won't disagree They will sing a lullaby Entombed alive with mournful cries I catch you - you'll be mine You have to say good bye to your life To enter the darkened paradise I started to fall on my knees... with magical sounds
And it seems to me like I'm lyin' here... on the fields of dreams Elves will come to me Take me by the hand Lead me to their feast Flames are rising high Sounds like pouring wine I should never be awaken Inherited to bury on (the) fields of immortal For aeons till the dawn And may be you wonder who am I, I tell you I'm carrying the silver-horned crown