Born in the vacant universe Lakamu, the predecessor of all snakes He is the one, the ancestors of vile Anshar, the master of skies Kishar, the master of earth Violation of the order has already begun The earth and skies, all collapsed and amalagamated Hail to Anum, Enlil, Ea! Eternal silence has come an end And the universe met with the clamour Absu, eliminate those who had been created, those whom you had created Absu, the colossal ancestor, the root snake's father Since how long treason has been for Gods? How could you dare Ea? You martyred your patriarch... What a might you have, you empyreal mother
What an impetus, How could you give birth to such an army of darkness? Tiamat! He was the grandson of your man, who k**ed him What a spite, what a fume? Fear, you infinite universe Fear, those poor remains of Gods Supreme flame lord welcome not only the army of darkness But the commander Kingu as well The master of winds Marduk! Cut it into halves while he was near to devour with wrath The purity which gives life to Cosmos But also he began to create Chaos which must be annihilated and human in order to obey But why from the blood of Kingu?