I used to live at The Monarch Hotel where the days got smoked like downtown hell I'd know it was Tuesday I would know it was noon because I could hear the sirens wail Even though it was just a test The mind starts to wonder and you know the rest It's like I've got to find myself an easier softer way Does all good art come from suffering? Not all good art comes from suffering! Broken windows in the lobby made a mess of you and me It's such a letdown that is my hobby Making a mess of you and me
I used to smoke at my Mother's house by the bottle brush trees where the wasps hung out I'd know it was Friday, I'd know it was three because the air wasn't stale Even though I lost my breathe, the mind still wonders if it is all a test I still got to find myself an easier softer way Does all good art come from suffering? Not all good art comes from suffering! Broken windows in the lobby made a mess of you and me It's such a letdown that is my hobby Making a mess of you and me