you say that it's your heart that hurts when it lacks the love to make it work your blood will boil, your chest will burst your foolish pride is at its worst and if your blood's not scalding hot it's freezing cold, your veins, they clot like an electric chair you know it's ending quick but painful with lonely hearts & foolish pride it makes no difference to be defined it's just the way we talk about it when love runs out you think your heart is broken you just shrivel up and compact the valves, they shut; the pressure builds the __ & sinews warp & crack you know that's quite poetic you know that doesn't make it true
in fact the brain does much more suffering than a muscle like the heart will ever do the mind's a fragile thing romance just wrecks its wiring your senses dulled, your logic gone and you can't even see or talk to anyone & if everything just stays the same expand & then contracts & symbolism won't line up with scientific fact & when you say your heart's decaying i know that's your way of saying you just don't know how to be on your own with lonely hearts & foolish pride it makes no difference to be defined it's just the way we talk about it when love runs out