we've been working around it, taking the gloves off working around it, keeping our pants on working around it, baby my hat's off to ya hallelujah, I was wrong we're finally getting our heads around it, under the weight of the world the truth can hurt when you're so confounded; just give me my songs and my girl making demands when I know you're tired, breaking the best of these things bringing you down when you're so inspired, but look what tomorrow might bring we'll be working around it, taking the gloves off
working around it, keeping our pants on working around it, baby my hat's off to ya hallelujah, I was wrong I talked it over with the boys in the bar I took the dogs out walking in the midnight dark we got it easy if you stare into space and find a falling freckle on your lover's face yes, working around it, taking the gloves off working around it, keeping our pants on working around it, baby my hat's off to ya hallelujah, I was wrong