Six o'clock dinner, the family falls silent Move over a little I can't see the screen The man in the box speaks in high definition Turn it up loud so I won't hear the screams More about bad things the bad guys are doing More about how I need what they sell And right down the road they are building a prison On the whole the economy's doing quite well Give me the update, tell me again Show me the difference between us and them Give it a number between one and ten Give me the headline Give me the spin A picture is fading inside of a wallet Inside of a pocket in the pants of a man
Soggy with saltwater there in the dark In a dead submarine from a faraway land Saltwater runs down the face of a woman As she thinks how he can't be all he could be Need I point out the pointless pointing of fingers And the point of a missile that's pointed at me? Our side appears to be up for the moment They taste defeat we decide they deserve We shoot the horizon and catch our own bullets And find it is only the hatred we serve Give me the update, tell me again Show me the difference between us and them Give it a number between one and ten Give me the headline Give me the spin