People do so many things that make me mad
But angry isn’t how I want to spend what time I have
Cognitive dissonance they call it
And I wonder just how small it
Could be made to be in me.
There so much disturbing short sighted sh**
May act to do better than live with it
I’m looking to find some peace to embrace
To bring that smile back to my face
And sometimes I’m winning.
Life in the city is so densely packed
Fear of each other is an accepted fact
Fear soaks into concrete just like grease
Fear is the antithesis of peace.
'I have a dream' - a great man said
Another man came and shot him in the head
Yet the dream floats out there visible
Still alive, still alive.
Those who rule the middle kingdom hate the old man in the robes
They put up road blocks everywhere he goes
He says : 'Have no anger in your heart for them'
'They know not what they do'
Does that sound familiar to you, to you ?
Life in the city is so densely packed
Fear of each other is an accepted fact
Fear soaks into concrete just like grease
Fear is the antithesis of peace.
Life in the city is so densely packed
Fear of each other is an accepted fact
Fear soaks into concrete just like grease
Fear is just the antithesis of peace