People stared at the makeup on his face Laughed at his long black hair, his animal grace The boy in the bright blue jeans Jumped up on the stage And lady stardust sang his songs Of darkness and disgrace And he was alright, the band was altogether Yes he was alright, the song went on forever And he was awful nice Really quite out of sight (second time: really quite paradise) And he sang all night long Femme fatales emerged from shadows To watch this creature fair Boys stood upon their chairs To make their point of view I smiled sadly for a love I could not obey
Lady stardust sang his songs Of darkness and dismay And he was alright, the band was altogether Yes he was alright, the song went on forever And he was awful nice Really quite out of sight (second time: really quite paradise) And he sang all night long Oh how I sighed when they asked if I knew his name And he was alright, the band was altogether Yes he was alright, the song went on forever And he was awful nice Really quite out of sight (second time: really quite paradise) And he sang all night long