He wore trousers every day of the week, When he smiled he got dimples in both cheeks, He talked in Spanish and loved to tell dirty jokes. Spent his spare time at Otto's playin' checkers And listenin' to Gene Autry records With Clide the shoe shine boy, and ole Roy Stoltz He was a painter by trade and perty darn good, He used brushes and rollers to cover the wood, He painted our house, our barns, our sheds, and our fence. That was in 1967, I was 5 my brother 11, He'd let us help, pay us 50 cents. Logic lives in a bucket'a paint Maybe I'm wrong maybe I ain't 'Cause both can be spread with no trouble at all Thank God for good memories, It don't make no sense to me
Why people have to grow up at all. He'd take me fishin' after work when he could And he'd let me drink beer and it always felt good To know I didn't have to be home time for supper Take our shirts off ,let our skin get red And he'd talk about the war and shake his head Namin' Jesus Christ, John Wayne all in one. Logic lives in a bucket'a paint Maybe I'm wrong maybe I ain't 'Cause both can spread with no trouble at all Thank God for the memories, It don't make no sense to me Why people have to grow up at all. I said thank the good Lord for memories An' it don't make no sense to me Why people have to grow up at all