She's speaking like a gibbering foreigner Got a cripple in her clutches Seems to float like a gaudy angel on strings over wheelchairs and crutches Came to check it out Have a laugh or two But I'm caught up in the fury and wonder Watch the leg of the fat lady next to me grow several inches longer There are rumors about the bank accounts, affairs and double-dealings But faith sneaks up like a mischevious child, and you find yourself believing I could be deceived, but I believe that I just got a healing from Evangeline Don't know what's really there inside of her Revival queen Evangeline Does a miracle occur somehow, in spite of her? Now the tent sags in the Texas heat She's worked the crowd to a frenzy And an old man's rolling on the sawdust floor in the throes of the demon of envy The organ music swells, and the choir sings an off-key "Amazing Grace"
Despite the body odor and the Texas flies, there's not a dry eye in the place With hands in the air and eyes to heaven, I find myself agreeing With each lost sinner in the place and every word Evangeline is screaming Now understand me I'm not a gullible man And I'm self-possessed Take pride in keeping my wits I'm saying things like "amen" and "hallelujah" Words that until this very moment have never crossed my lips All said and done, doesn't make much difference if she's sincere or deceiving She may not possess the faith she inspires or know the One that I'm receiving I'm on my knees, and I believe I just got a healing through Evangeline Don't know what's really there inside of her Revival queen Evangeline Does a miracle occur somehow, in spite of her? She plays a mean tambourine