Weve always had creepy people around; somewhere in your life theres
A creepy individual, and it starts off when we're youngins
When we're youngins theres a creepy person
Back in school. back in the day... which, by the way
I dont know if you know this, was a Wednesday
Thats a little fun fact
Yeah, when you refer to back in the day, it was a Wednesday
Take that home, chew it. its delicious
Back when we were little tots there was always that one kid in school
That kid in cla**, smelt like piss. .Right?
Robby was his name. Robby or Obby
He was an Obby name... And Obby didn't just smell like a hint of piss
He didn't smell like a smidgen of piss
That kid smelt like he was dipped in a vat of piss
Like he woke up that morning and said, “Woah, bring on the piss!”
And someone brought on the piss
I don't know who would bring piss on, but you can pretty much
Hire anybody on Google these days ta...
Just type in piss painters or something and im sure somebody would
Come over and coat you down, put a sheet of piss on ya for a reasonable
Price. . He would steal from the cla**
He would use his piss vapor as a way to detour you from watching
Him STEAL sh*t from the cla**. cause hes a theif, a klepto thief Obby...
He would always take my favorite markers, those smelly markers
Remember those? The teacher would put them out, everybody would freak
Give me the red one! Give me the red one! (snuhh haha snuhhhh)
This smells like cherries. (Snuhh) I guarantee you this, its like cherries
But it's a marker. (Snuhh) Give me the brown one; ill trade you
Give me the. (snuhh). cinnamon! This ones cinnamon
The brown is cinnamon (snuhh). How do they do this? How do they do this?
But the black one always smelled like an a**hole, didn't it?
Youd grab the black one (snuhh) - What is that? (snuhh)
It's a bag of a**es. (snuhh) Im keepin this, this ones mine. (snuhh)
I can't stop guys, I can't! (snuhh) I just saw Jesus's eyes
This marker has shown me Jesus's eyes!...
And even though this marker smelt like an a**hole
And you just saw Jesus's eyes...
There was still a kid following you around – Can I smell it? Can I smell?
What does it smell. I didn't get uhh. Can I just uh. Uhhh…
Can I smell Uhhhh
And finally he would aggravate you till you were like – Here, fine, smell it!
And when he leaned in you would be like – Arrrggggg!
Hahaha, nice face! Im gonna puke blood, what are you?