I don't drive a Mercedes Benz, and I Don't desire to own one I'd sooner watch a flower grow than the latest from Sylvester Stallone I don't have me a country club membership I ride the Greyhound bus I don't have a cabin two hours north of here I don't celebrate Christmas But it's my country too Sometimes I gotta remind myself It's my country too I pay my taxes Vote on election day I stop at stop signs just like you I have never burned an American flag If I did it was an accident I have never dropped a bomb or defaced the Washington Monument But you won't find a flag on my doorstep On the Fourth of July Too many criminals try to wrap themselves inside of it It stands for too many lies But it's my country too Sometimes I gotta remind myself
It's my country too I pay my taxes Vote on election day I stop at stop signs just like you My country 'tis of thee Sweet land of liberty My country 'tis of thee Sweet land of liberty My country 'tis of thee Sweet land of liberty If I say it enough times Maybe I'll remember what it means If I say it enough times Maybe I'll remember what it means Don't try to tell me For once listen to me Don't try to tell me For once listen to me 'Cause it's my country too Sometimes I gotta remind myself It's my country too I pay my taxes Vote on election day I stop at stop signs just like you It's my country too Sometimes I gotta remind myself It's my country too I pay my taxes Vote on election day I stop at stop signs just like you