Hallelujah! H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H! Hallelujah!
Well, I'll sing hallelujah
Well, I'll sing hallelujah
Well, I'll sing hallelujah
To the King, the King of all
On my knees I'm standing tall
Well, I live in hope and glory
You can live in hope and glory
Well, I live in hope and glory
You can live in hope and glory
With me each and every day
On my knees this is what I pray
Well, Jesus is here today
And He's my best friend
I said Jesus is here today
And He'll be here 'til the end
Well, He came down from above
And His motive, my friend, is love
We're not just ramblin' on. We'd like to give credit where credit is due. And so first and foremost and last of all and certainly not least, we give credit to our maker, Jesus Christ, and that's why we sing